Gordon Bunyan
Executive Director
As Executive Director, Gordon leads the national team to develop broader opportunities beyond ER Law’s traditional focus; increase member numbers and value; plan for the future by capitalising on ER Law’s status and reputation for quality with an accreditation programme and investing in generational change with an increasing focus on renewables. ER Law has thrived because of its collaborative approach to education, influencing change and professional development: it’s a core value. Members want effective networking – more face-to-face interaction – in the new environment. It’s critical to maintaining ER Law’s collegial character and it’s our key “COVID Challenge”!
Gordon is an accomplished change leader & influencer with 20 years of outcomes driven management experience across legal, compliance & risk management, property, travel, catering, dealer employee development and training, product training and project management. As a former General Counsel for Toyota, he joined AMPLA in 2019 with extensive experience in senior management with Toyota, and as a director serving not-for-profit Boards nationally and internationally.