Simon Orton
Specialist Director
Simon has extensive work experience within the private, public and not for profit sectors. Industry experience includes mining, technology SMEs, construction, engineering and professional services. Simon has comprehensive systems engineering and auditing experience for quality, management systems, ICT infrastructure, design, international EPCM projects, ISO/Aus standards, organisational culture and safety.
Simon has extensive history developing and running audit programs for top 20 ASX companies. Simon has developed governance processes, policies and standards for corporate finance, ICT, HR, projects, data analytics, logistics, capital projects and manufacturing. With wide-ranging expertise in systems, standards and policies, Simon has led large corporate projects to simplify processes, improve risk profile and increase accountability of business teams.
With a wealth of knowledge in culture transformation programs, Simon helps businesses with cyber culture. He understands the fine balance between strong governance processes and controls and the requirement to maintain a working business that needs to be dynamic and agile in a disruptive cybercrime environment. Simon has established ISO27001 & NIST Cybersecurity audit processes, tools, governance, external penetration testing and social engineering training.