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Title Date Description
YPC 101: Critical Minerals In Australia
March 2022 First webinar in the Young Professional Committee (YPC) 101 series, Dr Carl Spandler, Associate Professor and Director of the Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre at the University of Adelaide, provides his expert insights and experience into the growing importance of critical minerals and critical minerals research in Australia, and what this research means for the Australian minerals and resources industry and economy.
YPC 101: Taxation implications in the clean energy transition
April-2022 YPC 101 series, Oliver Radan will host Dr Craig Bowie's talk on taxation implications in the clean energy transition. As the global shift to renewable energy continues to gain momentum, clean energy investment and low emissions research has become more prevalent than ever in the energy and resources sector. Dr Craig Bowie, special counsel at Minter Ellison in Brisbane, and a specialist in corporate taxation within the energy and resources sector will present on taxation implications arising out of the clean energy transition, focussing on potential developments and practical applications (including the R&D Tax Incentive).