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Title Date Description
Renewable Energy Technical Insights
September 2022 Stephen Hinchcliffe (Mott Macdonald,Energy Advisory Leader, APAC and ANZ) will come and speak about "Renewable Energy: Technical Insights" covering: high level observations on 'energy crisis' network loss factors constraints and system strength.
Right to Information and the Resources Sector - Friend or Foe?
March 2021 This webinar will covers use of the right to information framework, it raises two key questions for members of AMPLA: how can resource companies protect sensitive information from being accessed through the right to information channels and is there a way for our clients to use the right to information framework to their advantage?
Temporary Changes To Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Framework
May 2020 Hosted by AMPLA WA Committee Member Michael Denny, Solicitor, Herbert Smith Freehills, and presented by Liz Humphry, Partner at Clayton Utz, Campbell Cooper, Managing Director at Greenhill & Co, and Stephen Smith, Partner at Deloitte Access Economics, this webinar will examine the temporary changes to Australia’s foreign investment review framework that were introduced to protect Australia’s national interest, and ensure appropriate oversight over foreign investment, at a time when the COVID-19 outbreak is putting intense pressure on the Australian economy and business. The focus of the webinar will be on examining the implications of these changes for foreign investment and transactional activity in the energy and resources sectors.
The Decarbonisation Journey for Oil and Gas
July 2021 A select group of oil and gas industry professionals about what they see as the key points in plotting a course for the oil and gas industry’s journey to a low carbon future. With panellists including oil and gas industry leaders the discussion will explore a number of topics including energy transition investment, developments in the low carbon LNG market, Green LNG and more.
The effect of U.S. climate change policy on natural resources sector in Asia-Pacific
August 2021 In this webinar speakers will address the nature and extent of the changes in the policy, their impact on the Asia-Pacific region at a geopolitical level and on the natural resources sector in particular
The Impact of China's Global Relationships on Australian Energy and Resource Companies
September 2021 The Australia-China relationship continues to be dominated by global geopolitical and strategic concerns. Cory Davie, Managing Partner, Control Risks Australia Pacific, will look at China’s relationship with the world, including the US/China tensions, and discuss how it impacts Australia-China relations. She will help you understand how these geopolitical shifts affect operations, partnerships and suppliers of Australian energy and resource companies.
The Renewables Horizon: Trends & Opportunities for Australia
August 2021 In this seminar we will look ahead to emerging trends and opportunities for the Australian renewables sector and what we can learn from developments abroad
Tributación Minera. Experiencias de Chile y Australia. Mining Taxation Talk. Chile and Australian Experiences
July 2021 Con motivo de un proyecto de ley en Chile que establece un nuevo royalty aplicable a la minería, en este webinar se revisarán aquellos cambios, teniendo como contexto la realidad tributaria minera Australiana. (This session will explore the new Chilean mining tax bill and reflect on what Australia and Chile learn from their experiences)
WA State Agreements & Resources Operations
February 2021 This webinar will cover contemporary issues regarding the operation of State Agreements in Western Australia in regulating large extractives projects. The historical role and operation of State Agreements has changed because of Commonwealth laws, increasing emphasis on transparency, and recent court decisions about WA constitutional obligations and policy.
Young Professionals: Understanding Oil & Gas Markets
June 2020 Hosted by AMPLA's Young Professional National Committee, this session explains how oil and gas markets operate, provides an overview of market conditions and discusses trends going forward.