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Title Date Description
Young Professionals: Understanding Oil & Gas Markets
June 2020 Hosted by AMPLA's Young Professional National Committee, this session explains how oil and gas markets operate, provides an overview of market conditions and discusses trends going forward.
Temporary Changes To Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Framework
May 2020 Hosted by AMPLA WA Committee Member Michael Denny, Solicitor, Herbert Smith Freehills, and presented by Liz Humphry, Partner at Clayton Utz, Campbell Cooper, Managing Director at Greenhill & Co, and Stephen Smith, Partner at Deloitte Access Economics, this webinar will examine the temporary changes to Australia’s foreign investment review framework that were introduced to protect Australia’s national interest, and ensure appropriate oversight over foreign investment, at a time when the COVID-19 outbreak is putting intense pressure on the Australian economy and business. The focus of the webinar will be on examining the implications of these changes for foreign investment and transactional activity in the energy and resources sectors.
Hydrogen Industry: Developments, Legal Issues And Challenges
April 2020 Hosted by AMPLA QLD President Gavin Scott, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright, and presented by Daniel Roberts, Leader, Hydrogen Energy Systems Future Science Platform, CSIRO and James Plumb, Partner, Carter Newell, we discuss the current state of the hydrogen industry in Australia, and some of the legal issues challenges facing practitioners.
YPC 101: Critical Minerals In Australia
March 2022 First webinar in the Young Professional Committee (YPC) 101 series, Dr Carl Spandler, Associate Professor and Director of the Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre at the University of Adelaide, provides his expert insights and experience into the growing importance of critical minerals and critical minerals research in Australia, and what this research means for the Australian minerals and resources industry and economy.
Ethics Addressing the intangible problems of ethical dilemmas
March 2022 Ethical behaviour is one of the hallmarks of the legal profession.  This session will provide practitioners with a refresher on legal ethics in the context of energy and resources law
Legal Ethics in Energy and Resources Law
November 2020 Ethical behaviour is one of the hallmarks of the legal profession. This webinar will provide practitioners with a refresher on legal ethics in the context of energy and resources law.
Key trends in the oil and gas/LNG industry (Asia Pacific)
August 2021 During this online panel discussion, our experienced panellists will explore key trends affecting the oil and gas industry and make some predictions about what those trends might mean for the future.
NSW Contract Breach
November 2023 Delve into diverse contract termination strategies, exploring mutual agreements, breaches, and the impact of external factors. Uncover a panorama of remedies, from compensatory damages to equitable solutions like specific performance. Understand the art of rescission for strategic advantage.
Tributación Minera. Experiencias de Chile y Australia. Mining Taxation Talk. Chile and Australian Experiences
July 2021 Con motivo de un proyecto de ley en Chile que establece un nuevo royalty aplicable a la minería, en este webinar se revisarán aquellos cambios, teniendo como contexto la realidad tributaria minera Australiana. (This session will explore the new Chilean mining tax bill and reflect on what Australia and Chile learn from their experiences)
Practice Experiences in Energy & Resources Law
May-2022 A young professionals session where senior legal professionals share their knowledge and experiences working in different legal settings - in private practice, government and in-house.