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Title Date Description
Temporary Changes To Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Framework
May 2020 Hosted by AMPLA WA Committee Member Michael Denny, Solicitor, Herbert Smith Freehills, and presented by Liz Humphry, Partner at Clayton Utz, Campbell Cooper, Managing Director at Greenhill & Co, and Stephen Smith, Partner at Deloitte Access Economics, this webinar will examine the temporary changes to Australia’s foreign investment review framework that were introduced to protect Australia’s national interest, and ensure appropriate oversight over foreign investment, at a time when the COVID-19 outbreak is putting intense pressure on the Australian economy and business. The focus of the webinar will be on examining the implications of these changes for foreign investment and transactional activity in the energy and resources sectors.
Contract Masterclass Series 1 - Loss of Contractual Rights
May 2024 The recent decision of the High Court in the Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd v Delor Apartments Case highlights the need to consider the circumstances in which contractual rights may be lost.
Practice Experiences in Energy & Resources Law
May-2022 A young professionals session where senior legal professionals share their knowledge and experiences working in different legal settings - in private practice, government and in-house.
Legal Ethics in Energy and Resources Law
November 2020 Ethical behaviour is one of the hallmarks of the legal profession. This webinar will provide practitioners with a refresher on legal ethics in the context of energy and resources law.
NSW Contract Breach
November 2023 Delve into diverse contract termination strategies, exploring mutual agreements, breaches, and the impact of external factors. Uncover a panorama of remedies, from compensatory damages to equitable solutions like specific performance. Understand the art of rescission for strategic advantage.
High Court’s Mineralogy decisions: battles and war
October 2021 Webinar about High Court’s (13 Oct 2021) decisions on WA Mineralogy legislation
Commodities Trading 101: The Life Cycle of Physical Commodities
September 2020 Join us online as we run a ‘101’ session on commodities trading, by taking us through the global life cycle of a select number of physical commodities, including consideration of the impact of various different geographical and legal boundaries on this industry (e.g. place of production through to load port / terminal, shipping through national and international waters, trading through a producer’s marketing and sales arm, arrival at destination port / terminal, inland transportation, and end use).
Petroleum Asset Sale and Farm-In Agreements Masterclass
September 2020 This petroleum contract masterclass session will examine the key rights and obligations, risk allocations, and the alternative and optional clauses of petroleum asset sale agreements and farm-in agreements
The Impact of China's Global Relationships on Australian Energy and Resource Companies
September 2021 The Australia-China relationship continues to be dominated by global geopolitical and strategic concerns. Cory Davie, Managing Partner, Control Risks Australia Pacific, will look at China’s relationship with the world, including the US/China tensions, and discuss how it impacts Australia-China relations. She will help you understand how these geopolitical shifts affect operations, partnerships and suppliers of Australian energy and resource companies.
Cyber security and the resources sector
September 2021 Webinar about cyber security in the resources sector.