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Title Date Description
Contract Masterclass Series 1 - Loss of Contractual Rights
May 2024 The recent decision of the High Court in the Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd v Delor Apartments Case highlights the need to consider the circumstances in which contractual rights may be lost.
NSW Contract Breach
November 2023 Delve into diverse contract termination strategies, exploring mutual agreements, breaches, and the impact of external factors. Uncover a panorama of remedies, from compensatory damages to equitable solutions like specific performance. Understand the art of rescission for strategic advantage.
Renewable Energy Technical Insights
September 2022 Stephen Hinchcliffe (Mott Macdonald,Energy Advisory Leader, APAC and ANZ) will come and speak about "Renewable Energy: Technical Insights" covering: high level observations on 'energy crisis' network loss factors constraints and system strength.
Introduction to the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan
September 2022 The Department of Resources recently announced its Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan setting out the Queensland Government’s 30-year vision to be to be a resilient, responsible and sustainable resources industry that grows as it transforms into 2050
How to build a brand on social media in 2022
July 2022 Our moderated panel will approach the question of social media best practice based on their experience in top tier law firms and the energy industry. The session will also offer tips and tricks on how lawyers of all levels can use social media to market yourself, get your message out and be more effective with pitches. ​ The panel will be hosted by Jess Dyer, General Counsel & Company Secretary at Alinta Energy. Our panel comprises: Naomi Sussman, Marketing Manager at MinterEllison (along with Adam Lovell, Social Media and Digital Marketing Consultant at MinterEllison)
Practice Experiences in Energy & Resources Law
May-2022 A young professionals session where senior legal professionals share their knowledge and experiences working in different legal settings - in private practice, government and in-house.
YPC 101: Taxation implications in the clean energy transition
April-2022 YPC 101 series, Oliver Radan will host Dr Craig Bowie's talk on taxation implications in the clean energy transition. As the global shift to renewable energy continues to gain momentum, clean energy investment and low emissions research has become more prevalent than ever in the energy and resources sector. Dr Craig Bowie, special counsel at Minter Ellison in Brisbane, and a specialist in corporate taxation within the energy and resources sector will present on taxation implications arising out of the clean energy transition, focussing on potential developments and practical applications (including the R&D Tax Incentive).
Ethics Addressing the intangible problems of ethical dilemmas
March 2022 Ethical behaviour is one of the hallmarks of the legal profession.  This session will provide practitioners with a refresher on legal ethics in the context of energy and resources law
YPC 101: Critical Minerals In Australia
March 2022 First webinar in the Young Professional Committee (YPC) 101 series, Dr Carl Spandler, Associate Professor and Director of the Australian Critical Minerals Research Centre at the University of Adelaide, provides his expert insights and experience into the growing importance of critical minerals and critical minerals research in Australia, and what this research means for the Australian minerals and resources industry and economy.
High Court’s Mineralogy decisions: battles and war
October 2021 Webinar about High Court’s (13 Oct 2021) decisions on WA Mineralogy legislation